Are Ductless Systems a Good Investment in Seneca, SC?

The prospect of switching your central HVAC system to a ductless mini-split can introduce uncertainty if you don’t know much about them. Considered a flexible solution that can last a long time, ductless systems are becoming more popular. Here are a few reasons why ductless systems can be a fantastic investment for your Seneca, SC home.

Versatile Design

Every benefit that ductless mini-splits offer derives from their streamlined design. Unlike traditional HVAC systems, which feature separate heating and air conditioning systems, the majority of mini-splits combine both heating and cooling functions into one outdoor unit and at least one indoor unit.

The most obvious effect is that it will save you room due to the individual air handlers being relatively small. The absence of ductwork pushes that advantage even further. For instance, it makes it easier for HVAC technicians to perform repairs and maintenance on them.

Greater Efficiency

This more efficient design carries over into the ductless mini-split’s performance. They’re often more efficient in general than central HVAC systems, for one. Since mini-splits run only on electricity, in contrast to many common types of heating systems, using them will help decrease your carbon footprint and can possibly qualify you for tax credits or rebates from your local government.


Traditional central HVAC systems typically force a one-size-fits-all approach in which the same temperature settings and pattern of operation apply to your entire home. Using extra equipment, you can zone your system, but ductless mini-splits allow you to do so simply by installing them.

This means that you can divide your home into heating or cooling zones equal to the number of air handlers in your system. If someone prefers cooler temperatures in their room than other residents, you can aim cool air there. Alternately, if you know that a specific room will have more people in it and be warmer than normal, you can choose to cool specifically that space.

When you buy a ductless mini-split, you invest in simplicity, efficiency and versatility. Our service technicians are NATE-certified and provide excellent customer service to our clients. Call the Lovingood Heating Company and request ductless mini-split installation services today in Seneca, SC.

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