Is It Time to Invest in an AC Replacement in Seneca, SC?

The AC in your home in Seneca, SC may have served you well for a long time, but if it runs into trouble, you may need to get a new one. It’s not always easy to know when repairs are the best way to deal with a problem and when you should completely replace your AC. Here are a few signs that it might be time to invest in an AC replacement.


Your AC may simply be too old. If nothing appears overtly wrong with your system, you may resist this idea and find it counterintuitive. Nevertheless, the service life of a typical central AC system lasts for about 15 years.

Over time, the components of your AC will degrade and function less and less effectively. Even if you take care to provide your system with occasional repairs and annual maintenance, its period of viability will eventually end.

The older your system gets, the more likely it will be to break down without warning. Therefore, you can either preemptively replace your AC once it gets too old or let it take you by surprise.

Frequent Repairs

It isn’t necessarily a big deal if your AC breaks down once in a while. However, once technicians have fixed it, it should remain in good shape for some time to come. If you see that your AC can’t hold it together for more than a few weeks, for example, this is a clear sign that you should cut your losses and invest in a new one.

An increase on your electric bills may mean that your AC’s efficiency has dropped to unsalvageable levels. In that case, sticking with the same system will only cost you. Replacing it with a newer, better and more efficient one may well save you money in the long run.

If you see the evidence that it’s time to invest in a new AC, don’t ignore it. Call the Lovingood Heating Company, and sign up for our top-notch AC installation services near Seneca, SC.

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