Why Is My Furnace Short Cycling in Salem, SC?

Short cycling leads to higher energy bills and uncomfortable temperature fluctuations. Here are some common reasons your furnace in Salem, SC has this problem and what you can do about it.

Thermostat Problems

A malfunctioning thermostat is one of the most common causes of furnace short cycling. This typically happens when your furnace is not getting proper airflow or when you haven’t properly calibrated it. Avoid this issue by making sure your thermostat is in the correct position and functioning properly.

A Defective Limit Switch

The primary function of the limit switch is to monitor your furnace’s heat levels. If this part is defective, it can cause short cycling. Replacing the limit switch will fix the issue.

An Oversized Furnace

An oversized furnace gets hot too fast, and this makes it shut off before your home reaches the desired temperature. Such force shut-offs cause frequent on-and-off cycles. To prevent this from happening, you must ensure your furnace is the correct size for the heating requirements of your home.

Faulty Flame Sensor

When your flame sensor malfunctions, it prevents the furnace from recognizing that the burner is lit. Thankfully, this is a simple fix, and all you have to do is clean or replace the flame sensor to fix this issue.

Restricted Airflow

Blocked vents, dirty air filters or closed registers restrict airflow, which can cause your furnace to overheat. These reasons are why you should regularly check and replace your furnace’s air filters. It’s also important to make sure your registers and vents are free from obstructions.

Regular maintenance and repair of your furnace prevents the short cycling issue and will make sure your home in Salem, SC is comfortable during the cold winter months. If short cycling is a frequent problem of yours, contact us today, and one of our professional HVAC technicians at Lovingood Heating Company will diagnose and repair any underlying issues.

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